Automate business processes

We automate manual work and complex data entry across applications and company boundaries

Using AI in the company

We make AI the co-pilot of your employees and the productivity turbo of your core business based on your company data

Ensuring cybersecurity intelligently

Automatically fend off threats, ensure permanent protection in the cloud, enable secure mobile working

Making the cloud an ally

We provide vendor-independent advice on all cloud services and successfully implement solutions

Turning innovation into profit

We implement innovative technologies profitably for you in your company 


We are specialists in the automation of business processes. Our focus is on applied AI, adaptive cybersecurity and efficient software development. We rely on modern cloud and SaaS platforms from which we create powerful end-to-end solutions. We provide full project support: requirements management, implementation, project management, commissioning, training and maintenance. We have an in-depth understanding of business processes in logistics, production, retail and the insurance industry - we understand your processes and speak the same language.

Your task

Do you have a complex business transaction that spans several systems and interfaces and currently involves a lot of manual effort or is prone to errors? Do you want to quickly connect new customers, business partners or applications to your core systems, but don't have the necessary resources or time? Do you want to use artificial intelligence to relieve your employees and fully automate previously manual processes?

They expect more productive employees and lower process costs. In addition, the quality of work and satisfaction within the company should increase. Tedious and expensive activities should be eliminated. You've come to the right place with these ideas!

Our problem solution

We solve procedural and technical tasks in an engineering manner. Our employees are experienced software developers and work directly with your employees: Short paths, quick decisions, suitable solutions. We bring all the necessary tools to a project so that you can get started immediately. On request, we can also use your tools and integrate ourselves into your system landscape. We communicate clearly and back up our statements and recommendations with facts.

Economic efficiency and a down-to-earth approach are important guidelines for us. Although we rely on state-of-the-art technologies, we make a sober distinction between insubstantial fashions and valuable innovations. We always have your success in mind!

Lean IT

Many roads lead to Rome, and IT solutions are no exception. That is why we develop our solutions according to the principle of "least intervention" in the existing IT architecture. Only when more extensive changes make sense do we propose them and substantiate them with arguments.

Lean IT results in maintainable solutions and the ability to act in problem situations. We attach great importance to ensuring that each of our solutions is stable and that any problems that will inevitably arise can be solved quickly and with minimal effort - without significantly disrupting your operations. This is particularly important for AI-based solutions, as improvements, corrections and fine-tuning are technically necessary.


We are performance-conscious and service-oriented. We focus all our means and resources on achieving the best results for our clients. For us, IT is not an end in itself. We do not fall in love with technology, but with the creation of a valued product. We see our work as a service to the customer that must be provided continuously and reliably. Every employee realizes his or her potential by striving for optimum performance. We ignore sensitivities; they have no relevance in our business. Every employee has a very high degree of freedom and discretion. In this way, autonomy and discipline lead to results and cost efficiency as well as a good work-life balance. This ensures that we as a company have a sustainable creative power and creativity in finding solutions. 

Business Automatica GmbH

Gernot Reinmüller manages the business of Business Automatica GmbH in Germany - tenacious and assertive, always on the lookout for even better solutions to economically relevant customer problems. He has been solving challenging tasks in IT and business for 25 years and, as an entrepreneurial consultant, helps his clients make substantial progress.

His maxim: Success breeds success.

Business Automatica Hellas E.E.

Vasilis Roumeliotis manages the business of Business Automatica Hellas E.E. in Greece. Vasilis combines the practical approach of an electrical engineer with the flexibility of a software engineer to find and implement the best solutions with his colleagues in record time. His optimism and commitment are boundless.

His maxim: reliability and quality are not open to discussion.

Network effect

Successful solutions are the composite of many different skills. That is why we maintain a global network of specialists with whom we reflect on, improve and further develop our work results. This allows us to provide precisely those services that are crucial and necessary for success. We do not limit ourselves to our "home turf". This means we can always offer the best solution with pinpoint accuracy - and in record time. Side effect: We are attractively priced and fast, as we only work with experts and everyone organizes themselves.


The world is in a state of upheaval - politically, economically and technologically. That's why we focus precisely on providing our clients with organizational and technical support where it makes sense for their competitiveness and success. Our solutions have a direct economic benefit and noticeably improve your situation. We work with you to calculate the economic benefits of the solutions we offer in order to always achieve relevant and financially effective results. We select technologies from the same point of view: optimum price-performance for the specific application. 


A sense of responsibility towards the trust placed in us and taking responsibility for our own actions are not a matter of course today. However, living these principles on a daily basis has a huge impact: problems and customer requirements are scrutinized more closely; proposed solutions are thought through in greater depth; operational safety and further development are taken into account; critical points and differences of opinion are discussed objectively. Each of our employees acts according to this principle, as constructive critical work is rewarded and business relationships regularly last for years.


Accessibility and availability are the lubricants in successful projects: Quickly explain a requirement again, point out a problem ad hoc or request immediate help, briefly ask for a detail or a document for an upcoming appointment. We integrate ourselves into your means of communication and are also available to you. Because even the best project management cannot "plan away" the imponderables of working life. You can therefore always reach your competent contact person. We work with you to agree on the most productive way for everyone involved to work together so that operational hectic and communication difficulties are avoided. If required, we can integrate tools such as Jira, Confluence, Slack and others into the project. 

Implementation strength

Complex environments require leadership and implementation skills. Clients expect consultants and service providers to perform their tasks independently and, if necessary, to organize their own employees and other external parties and to contribute to solving problems in their environment on their own initiative. For this reason, we provide support wherever this is necessary to achieve objectives - without imposing ourselves. We think and act as entrepreneurs. After all, projects and operational processes function flawlessly when the collective implementation of all tasks is at the center. We take care of that. 


Smooth functionality means that both the foreseeable standard cases in a process are handled automatically and exceptional and clarification cases are processed in an orderly manner without interrupting operational processes. Clear decisions - even in special situations - are essential in order to be able to rely on automation. We therefore follow a tried-and-tested quality management system consisting of an explicit definition and consideration of exceptional cases, thorough testing (automated if required), a prudent hypercare phase immediately after commissioning and integration into a meaningful logging and monitoring system. On request, we can monitor the automations we have created and ensure their operation.