
Test automation

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01 Problem definition

Both standard software and individual software must meet high quality requirements in order to achieve sufficient user acceptance. Regardless of whether it is your own software solution or third-party services that are used: Customers and business partners are less and less forgiving of errors in the end-to-end process. If something within the process chain does not work, they will buy elsewhere. Continuous quality assurance is essential: Quality creates loyalty.

02 Solution

We work with you to define meaningful test cases and their automation potential and select the appropriate tools. We then implement automatable test cases and integrate their results into CI/CD processes or a bug tracking tool or a test framework: this is how quality assurance takes place with every deployment of your software. For preventive error identification, we combine several individual tests into continuously running end-to-end test scenarios in production so that your operations team is proactively alerted to any difficulties before your users notice them.

03 Result

Your application goes into production with the highest possible quality. The previous test process, the identified errors and their causes are logged and used as part of a continuous improvement process. Bug tickets are incorporated into the development process so that development productivity can be realistically assessed with regard to new functions. Errors are also identified as early as possible in production so that they can be resolved right from the start, in line with the motto: Stop the beginnings!

What customers say

The quality of software is valued just as highly as the use of innovative technologies. "Made in Germany" lives up to its motto and is structurally anchored in every phase of the development process.


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